- toll office
- станция междугородной связи
central office trunk — центральная магистраль учрежденческой связи
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology. 2005.
central office trunk — центральная магистраль учрежденческой связи
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology. 2005.
toll office — A center for switching toll calls … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Toll point — In the United Kingdom a toll point or toll island is a place on a canal where a fee was collected as boats carrying cargo passed. These were sited at strategic points such as the stop lock at the transition from one canal company to another where … Wikipedia
toll call — ➔ call2 * * * toll call UK US noun [C] US COMMUNICATIONS ► a phone call that is long distance and so costs more than usual: »I need to make a toll call to head office in Delhi … Financial and business terms
Office québécois de la langue française — Office québécois de la langue française … Wikipedia
Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense — Department of Defense Inspector General The Seal of the Inspector General Formed 1982 Employees Approximately 1,600 (2011) Federal agency United States General nature … Wikipedia
Toll switching trunk — In telecommunication, a toll switching trunk is a trunk connecting one or more end offices to a toll center as the first stage of concentration for intertoll or long distance traffic. Operator assistance or participation may be an optional… … Wikipedia
Toll Rail — Die Toll Rail, oder richtiger Toll NZ Consolidated Limited[1], war von 2003 bis 2008 das einzige Bahnunternehmen mit Personen und Güterfernverkehr in Neuseeland. Die Gesellschaft entstand 2004 aus der Umfirmierung der Tranz Rail Limited[1], die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Toll Regulatory Board — The Toll Regulatory Board is a Philippine government agency that regulates all toll roads in the Philippines.The TRB was created by virtue of Presidential Decree (“P.D.”) No. 1112 or the Toll Operation Decree. It possesses regulatory authority… … Wikipedia
Office of Migrant Education — The Office of Migrant Education (OME) is a program within the U.S. Department of Education s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) that administers grant programs that provide academic and supportive services to the children of… … Wikipedia
toll center — A central office where operators (human or mechanical) are present to assist in completing incoming toll calls … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
toll connecting trunk — Trunk utilized to link a local central office (Class 5) to the direct distance dialing network … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations